The Importance of Playtime (for You, not Your Kid)

The work/play Conundrum It’s not really rocket science. Having fun makes life easier and more enjoyable to live. Yet for a lot of people fun and in particular, play, often ends up an extracurricular activity saved for the weekends, secondary to work. Or worse, perhaps not even at all. The common phrase ‘work first, play …

10 Brilliant Reasons To Do Yoga

1. Oxygenation. You will learn valuable, life-changing breathing techniques (Pranayama) which can nothing less than transform your well being (For more about breathing check out my blog post The Power of Breathing). 2. Longevity: strength, flexibility and balance constitute the 3 markers for optimal physical health and longevity. Yoga benefits all 3 of these aspects.

5 Tools to Reduce The Effects of Stress Now

When the body and mind experience stress, a whole cascade of physiological, neurological and hormonal processes take place at a deeper level. Using the stress management tools below can facilitate vital shifts in your physiology, moving your system into a calmer and more sustainable state. 1. Nose Breathing Direct your breathing through your nose instead …

How To Deal With Injuries – The Natural Way

How do we deal to and overcome injury? Now this could easily be a post with physio advise about training intervals, activating the core and moving well bio-mechanically.  And these things do help, don’t get me wrong. However, practicing as a clinical physiotherapist for 10 years has given me a rather different perspective on this …

The Power of Breathing

So, we breathe to take in air and oxygen in order to stay alive, but why else is this function important, and isn’t it just an automatic process that we don’t need to think about anyway? Well, yes, and no. It would be fair to say that respiration is an underestimated field in the world …