This 10 minute standing meditation/visualisation has been designed with the purpose of grounding, balancing, and ‘plugging you back in’ energetically by drawing on the energies of the environment around us. This technique is inspired by Dr. Due Morter’s Central Channel breathing exercise, and is is a fantastic tool for energizing yourself. Enjoy!
A 10 minute energizing meditation. This meditation uses visual cues to help you fill yourself up with beneficial qualities. It is best done in sitting, and is particularly useful if you need an energy or confidence boost, but can be used for any qualities that you feel you need more of. Enjoy!
A 10 minute healing meditation using visual elements of the sun and earth. This meditation is best done lying on the back, and can also be used as a substitute for yoga Savasana. Enjoy!
A 10 minute relaxing body scan created to help relax your whole body by becoming aware of it and by guiding you to release all muscle tension. It can be used alone or to finish a yoga Savasana. Enjoy!
Created to help increase thoracic flexibility, improve posture, encourage opening of the chest, reduce active Trigger Points and calm the body and mind. Enjoy!
- Rolling
Using a foam roller (even the cheap ones will do!), roll up and down the thoracic spine avoiding neck and low back. Lift the hips up higher when you go up between the shoulder blades, so that the roller doesn’t scoot out. It is normal to feel discomfort at the beginning. Let breathing be slow and long (1 minute).

2. Bending & Breathing
Bend backwards over the roller reaching the top of the head and hands/arms to the floor. There must be contact with head and hands/arms to a supporting surface, for the neck and shoulders to relax. If this is not possible, use one of the other options below. Inhale long and slow – and exhale even longer and slower to get deep ribcage expansion here (1 minute).

3. Trigger Pointing
To finalise this sequence, relax the whole back body into thee floor, letting go of all tension. Rest the area between the back of the neck and head against the roller. Slowly roll head from side to side ‘hunting’ for trigger points to release. Let breathing slow down and let the mind become calm (1 minute).

Make this a regular part of your practice particularly if you sit and/or use computers a lot during the day. You will likely see a great improvement in your posture and feel less tight around head, neck and shoulders. For a personalised session get in touch below.
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